Which are you? Dark/Light or Light/Dark?
Strange question you might think, but quite the contrary. It’s also another way
of asking whether you’re an Optimist or a Pessimist. I class myself as a glass
half full kind of gal. Not quite the eternal optimist, but I do like to
try and make something positive from a negative. At the end of the day, life is
what you make of it, and let’s face it, it’s too damned short! We’re all
“taught” lessons from day 1 of being on this earth, and it’s down to ourselves
to lead by example if we want certain things better for ourselves collectively.
We all suffer when events in our lives take a
turn for the worse, whether mildly or extremely. Yes, life sure can give us a
hell of a kicking from time to time, and sometimes, it’s just one sodding thing
after another. Yet I refuse to let the bad things, whatever they may be, get me
to a point where I cannot enjoy the “blessings” that I have been given. A few
examples at present are:
* I don’t have a lot of money. I live hand to
mouth, week to week. Does it get me down? No. I won’t let it. There are people
in the world far worse off than I am.
* My beautiful 4 year old son has Autism (a
learning difficulty). Does it get me down? Absolutely not! He is all the more
precious because of it.
* I am a Widow. Am I sad because of that? Of
course. Well I am only human.
I recognise that I, just like everyone else,
have faults. I change those that I can and accept those which I cannot. I have
a copy of the Desiderata that hangs on my wall, and although I’m not
necessarily a “Churchy” type person, I admire the sentiment behind it and try
to follow at least some of what it “preaches”.
I don’t deny that there are times when I am
down/depressed. It happened a couple of weeks ago I was brooding. So trying to
take a positive out of that darker mood, I put pen to paper and wrote a poem about
how I was feeling over my loss. I was going to save it to read at the next DGPS
Evening on 1st June but thought it was appropriate for this weeks
theme on the Blog. This is what I came up with:
Flawed Diamond
Don’t ask me to be who I once was,
That person has long gone,
Events conspired, altered
my persona,
Time, etched lines on my
brow so very long.
Once like a diamond, so
Inside and out so very
Now this diamond rarely
Its brilliance dimmed by an
ugly flaw.
I am still that very same
gem stone,
But my conceptions have
markedly changed,
GRIEF and ANGER have
gouged their mark,
Reducing face value, now
Altered forever, but is
that so bad?
We all change over the
This diamond then black,
now turns to grey,
Becomes clearer with the
passing of fears.
The wound I suffered alters
the light,
The prism no longer neat,
Skewed, yet still
radiating, luminescent,
Its vision just not quite
so sweet.
I glint in the dark
awaiting the time,
When glorious sunlight
should shine on in,
Incandescence blinding, yet
cleansing my soul,
Making me more beautiful
once again.
Nothing can remove that
ugly flaw,
It remains as a reminder so
Just don’t ask me to be who I once
That person has long gone!
Although this may seem to be dark, it was my
way of recognising my pain, and trying to accept that which I cannot change.
But in the long run, I will always do my best to make the best of a situation.
So although at present I may be a complex shade of grey, ultimately I am a
Warrior on the side of Light. I will lead by example. I will
shine once again.
Thanks for reading my waffle.
P.S. If you look up the name “Louise” in Baby
name books, it means Beautiful Warrior.
Hi Louise,
Thanks for joining us again on the Dead Good Blog.
I really enjoyed the poetry - I hope you'll be reading that on June 1st. Writing well is one hell of a coping mechanism, isn't it?
Thank you Ash,
I'd look forward to doing it again in the future too if you'll have me. Glad you enjoyed it, and I would be happy to read it again on 1st June, as long as it wouldn't bore anyone.
Writing poems has to be one of the strangest way of utilising your skills as a coping mechanism, yet profoundly soothing at the same time. Bizarre! Lol.
Hi Louise, you're a strong one, and if writing is your outlet then keep at it. xxx
I thought this was a great metaphor that shows that even the toughest of us is affected on the inside by trauma while continuing to shine, albeit in a more complex manner. Really insightful, thanks for sharing and please do read on 1st June xx
Lindsay ... You're an absolute star and I can't thank you enough. xxx
Vicky ... Thanks, that means alot. xx
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