Reading has worked well in many of them - a copy of e.g. Moonfleet secreted within the covers of a bible can help pass many a long hour in church for a kid; Hostage, Raid On Entebbe or Skyjacked make a super way of getting through those idling hours in airport departure lounges; The True Story of Harold Shipman is a boon when stuck in a GP's waiting room; Animals Without Backbones (Vol 1) can prove an indispensable companion on those occasions when polite attendance is required even though all the relatives are snoozing belly-up in armchairs in front of the fire; and The Taking of Pelham One Two Three is the ideal title for the reading group that convenes nightly on the New York Subway. 😉
And then, in cases where reading matter is inappropriate or unavailable, firing up the imagination is a decent option. Daydream, fantasize ("She said the man in the gaberdine suit was a spy"); construct an internal dialogue (arguments for and against socialism); make mental lists (all fifty US states in alphabetical order, the name of every boyfriend or girlfriend you've ever had, chronologically); and if silence is not a requirement, recite a poem, sing a song or whistle a little tune ('The Great Escape' is a big favourite).
Where there is insufficient imagination to be fired, simply observing the world go by can be an arresting and rewarding experience for those with sufficient patience for the task. Props occasionally help, like a pound coin superglued to the floor, taking a pet rat, snake or spider on a train journey, or talking to your own reflection in a window (a more theatrical variant of the internal dialogue). These latter carry an advisory warning! 😆
In one respect, it's so much easier not to be bored in these digital days, although conversely the attention-span and boredom threshold appear to be considerably lower in post-millennials. What with the prevalence of iPads, iPhones, iPods, Nintendos, Playstations and X-boxes, no one need ever have an excuse for being bored anywhere - and to be perfectly honest, I struggle to remember the last time that I was.
Of course, it's different when you're dead...
Of course, it's different when you're dead...
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The original Roman Catholic concept of Purgatory was of a temporary station between earth and heaven where the souls of people who had lived good lives went through a purification process - presumably to rid them of all last traces of 'original sin' - before they entered Heaven. Think of it as a final decontamination chamber before stepping forth into Paradise. The notion that all souls went through Purgatory before being routed to either Heaven or the other place is a mistaken one. Bad souls have always gone straight to Hell. 😱
Catholics were very hot on this dogma of Purgatory, which presumably had its root in ancient myths, such as the Greek concept of worthy souls passing through the River Lethe (the river of forgetfulness) before entering Elysium. It was even possible to pay for prayers to be said for the dead to help ease their passage through, a nice little earner for Catholic bishops and priests. Dante devoted a whole third of his 'Divine Comedy' to Purgatory. Other branches of Christianity were less sold on the idea. It fell out of favour with the Eastern Orthodox church in the late middle ages and was never really taken seriously by the various strands of Protestantism, being officially denounced as "the Romish doctrine" by the Anglican Church.
Stripped of its religious connotations, purgatory in modern parlance has come to mean a temporary state of personal difficulty or suffering "of which extreme boredom is but one example". We asked a hundred people: If Purgatory were a real place, where would you find it? Our survey said (top five answers): Milton Keynes, Britain After Brexit, Tesco Supermarket on a Sunday, the Museum of Brands, any Cricket Ground. 😁
For a poem this week (another work in progress, because it's been such an exciting footballing Saturday - well played you Seasiders), I'm riffing on that biblical quotation "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."
Boring Unto The Heavens
Bezos and Musk are playing rich man's tag,
first and second wealthiest men on a planet
of one hundred and seventy sovereign states.
The sum of their fortunes would place them
in the top fifty nations. So Bezos-Muskland,
population two, worth four hundred billion!
Obscene personal wealth that's far in excess
of Earth's poorest fifty countries combined.
Points for symmetry though. Their pet hobby
a race into space, these golden fools, dollars
to burn, egos to feed. It's just as well perhaps
that half the world can't read. What sense in
such narcissistic greed, escalation of zeroes
exponentially in that towering treasure pile?
It might as well be wasted on a plan to pass
the proverbial camel through a needle's eye.
Thanks for reading, S ;-)
Very funny blog with a sting in the tale of Bezos and Musk.
I loved it all Steve, from the humorously inappropriate book titles, the funny photos, the Family Fortunes spoof to the poem. If it's truly a work in progress it shows great promise. Plus I learned stuff about purgatory that I didn't know. Nice one!
Thank you for sharing this!
Very funny, very clever - this had me laughing out loud. 👏
Not boring at all! 🙂
Very good Steve, that had me chuckling this morning. Of course, as you stated, nowadays those people on the underground would be staring at their phones, not reading books (ok, Kindle maybe). Regarding purgatory, our Catholic forebears certainly have a lot to answer for. Keep up the sterling blogging.
Always an interesting read to pass the ennui of a few spare moments. Sadly, too few to ever come into the purgatory category.
I still sometimes fiddle with my privates in moments of ennui (whatever they are). 😁
Interesting statistics about 'Bezos-Muskland'. I saw all the negative press about the "Billionaires' Space Race"... even the Secretary-General of the UN waded in to condemn it. Where does Branson figure in all this? He's a member of the club after all, or are you sparing him your wrath?
I loved the wicked humour of it, those book suggestions, the clever title for your poem. Those statistics are shocking. At least Bezos' ex-wife is apparently using hundreds of millions of dollars from her divorce settlement to fund charitable causes. 👍
Funny man. You just cheered my (boring) morning. 🙂
Most amusing, apart from the Catholic stuff. I liked the hard-hitting poem.
You rack me up Steve. Lots of laughs in that one. Of course "hell's the hippest way to go". Bezos and Musk is all a bit embarrassing though. Flaunting that privilege.
Wicked! 😂😂😂
Very clever Steve. Poor old Milton Keynes though. I lived there briefly. It wasn't as bad as people say.
Wot no phones..if only 🤣
Charlie, I suspect you didn't read very far into the blog! I hope it didn't bore you :-)
Very good. Lockdown was a bit like purgatory, don't you think? But I'm not sure if we've emerged into heaven or hell!
Enjoyed your blogging there Steve. You help puncture the boredom! Melbourne has felt purgatorial for a long while.
I'm with you Steve, I can't remember the last time I was bored. You obviously had fun with the inappropriate reading matter. As a librarian I've often thought how amusing it would be to organise the fiction section in the library like that (maybe just for April 1st). Your poem is great - the facts of the matter truly shocking. 👏
I did not know that about the original religious concept of Purgatory though I remember the scam of paying for the redemption of sins (was it 'indulgences'?) from school history lessons. Interesting how its meaning has morphed in popular usage. Your blog - and the illustrations - amused me and the poem works as it is, to my mind.
Three Steps to Heaven (very clever) has always been one of my favourite tunes.
Those statistics about Bezos and Musk are truly staggering.
Purgatory - think I've been there. It's in Maine. Of course I was only passing thru...😉
I almost didn't make it past the idea that someone might take a pet snake onto the train. There used to be a bloke on Blackpool front who displayed his pet snake. I had to cross the road.
Moonfleet was one of my favourite books. Still is.
I like Milton Keynes as well.
Totally agree with the poem and what a great last line
Those 'unsuitable' book titles are very funny and set me thinking: The Haunting Of Hill House (while doing baby-sitting duties), A Clockwork Orange (while waiting for an eye test), 4.50 From Paddington (while waiting for the delayed 4.50 from Paddington). Those Catholics sure knew how to plague a soul.
A wickedly enjoyable read. I agree there must be far more boring places than Milton Keynes...although when I visited, its roads all seem to be called H1, H2, etc (for horizontal) and V1, V2 etc (for vertical) because it's laid out on a grid system.🤣
I really liked your humorously irreverent approach to the topic, the clearly unsuitable reading matter, the funny graphic. I even learned something - that purgatory's not for everybody.😂 Your clever poem fired its message home with some shocking statistics. Well done altogether. 👏
Nowadays those people on the train would be staring at phones. Most boring place...any department store when out with the missus. 😉
Cool comments and examples of Purgatory. Knott End market would be my choice! Mind you - it was years since I was there.
Great fun to read and then the sting in the tail with that poem. Very clever.
What an entertaining read, very funny as well aa instructive. I love the pointed poem, great title and pay-off lines.
This was brilliant, so inventive. Top blogging, loved the illustrations and the sharp poem.
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