written and posted by members of Lancashire Dead Good Poets' Society

Sunday 31 March 2013


Good morning readers.
This morning I had a panic attack. I found myself fluttering around between old watches, new watches, alarm clocks, TV guides and anything else with a display on it. Which was right? Does this one do it automatically? I mean, I did it already, at least I thought I did but, did it do it again? It is an hour out from this one and I thought I'd done this.
The trouble is, I'm losing an hour AND working in the morning. I detest the idea of working Easter Sunday but wasn't quick enough booking the time when the boss decided we were to open so, by the time you're reading this I'll no doubt be in a major grump having been deprived of my sleep. Also, I've been given a revised contract to 'look at'. I'm looking elsewhere.
This week's theme has been superpowers. It would seem I have invisibility issues. A thrown together poem then... Thanks for reading, S.


Back when I was six years old I had a magic cape
I carried it in my pocket and used it to punctuate
The days with lots of crazy dreams, places that I could go
It helped me to imagine everything I didn't know.

The cape and I would hide in corners
Under the curtains and behind the couch
We'd really be in Buckingham Palace
Eating whatever was being thrown out.

We'd creep around the garden
Gathering jungle plants
The cape helped make it possible
To escape the killer ants.

I'd wear my cape whenever I could
My accomplice and I, up to no good
Stealing fine diamond necklaces, solid gold bars
Escaping imaginary sleeping guards.

We stowed away inside a rocket
Took a trip to the moon in the shed spaceship
Kept hidden until all the astronauts were sleeping
Then covered them all in invisible felt tip.

We were James Bond evading the gaze of the neighbours
Sneaking over the fence to retrieve a lost ball
We were brave in the face of the onrushing indians
There was no other cowboy could hide in my hall.

They were days to remember, the magic and fun
The sneakyness of never getting caught in the wrong
Looking back at those days, everything was so simple
Anything could be done, you just put the cape on.

So never throw those things away whilst you remember childhood
Keep hold of that invisible cloth you draped over your face
For at some time in the future, you might want it about you
It will be there, just be sure to hold it in a special place.