written and posted by members of Lancashire Dead Good Poets' Society

Thursday, 8 November 2012


15:51:00 Posted by Damp incendiary device , , , , , 5 comments

This month, I have mostly been inspired by the poetry of Carolyn Kizer.  Semele Recycled inspired this piece.  I kept the river but chose a different goddess.

Tongue, amputated

Sentiments flash noisily across a crowded bed
black torrents crash
churn cracked ceramic frag
lost limbs
branched bones

Run off the mill mingles with drops
returning from epiphanies both deep and high

Imagine submergence

Tongue, amputated
resting on the grassy bank
flaccid and over-ripe
runway veins drained
speckled cushion flat

Mute as the swan and half as remarkable
serene as Selene, gazing,
awash with borrowed blaze

Contradiction is knowledge
silence only a theory

Already I have said too much
always, I am saying too much

As usual, if you have any thoughts on how this poem can be improved, they will be gratefully accepted.  Thank you.


Madeline Moore said...

Very nicely done. I was drawn to the poem by the title.

Leonard Cohen says, "There is a crack in everything/that's how the light gets in."

Ashley Lister said...

This blog really does showcase some extraordinary talent.

Great post.


Damp incendiary device said...

Thanks Madeline, that's a great quote.

Ash - :)

Unknown said...

There is something quite ethereal about this poem and I enjoyed getting lost in it! It was fantastic :-)

Damp incendiary device said...

'getting lost in it' = wonderful comment, thank you x