written and posted by members of Lancashire Dead Good Poets' Society

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Simple Blues

I must be suffering from Obsessive Blogging Disorder! It's just shy of midnight and I haven't had time to think, let alone write - but I don't want to shirk my duty to the Saturday Blog, so here's a token multi-media submission on the theme of Blues:

Quote of the day:
"Who would have thought supporting a football club could be so difficult?"

Image of the day:
Sea Of Hull Art Installation
Audiolink of the day: surprise fabs demo

Normal service will be resumed next week, S ;-)


Adele said...

Well done. Last minute blues? Perhaps this is poem waiting to be written Steve.

Steve Rowland said...

Well, there's a queue ;-)

Peter Fountain said...

The video is 'not available'. I was looking forward to hearing it :(