We've gotten to be pretty useful with our forelegs though, more so than any other species on the planet. We learned how to make tools and clothes, how to dress ourselves, how to tear our hair out, how to draw, paint, write, play musical instruments, pick our noses, drive cars, fire guns and press nuclear buttons.
Of course this week's theme of Four Legs Good (which I've wilfully misinterpreted so as not to repeat what others have already written) derives from a slogan coined by George Orwell - 'Four legs good, two legs bad' - in his political allegory of the Russian Revolution, Animal Farm, a story in which the animals of Manor Farm rebel against their two-legged overlord, Farmer Jones.
Orwell, born Eric Blair in India in 1903, chose his pen name for his love of the Suffolk river Orwell. He could conceivably have gone for Horatio Stour or Rudyard Gipping (for the Stour and the Gipping lie in close proximity), only he didn't - and that's enough about him for now, although he remains one of my favourite English authors of the mid-20th century.
In his famous farm fable, Orwell wrote about how the pigs, leaders of the revolution, gradually became more like the oppressors they had overthrown as power began to corrupt their ideals. The slogan was amended to read 'Four legs good, two legs better' as the pigs took to aping men (ding! - pun intended) by strutting around upright on their rear trotters - a wicked satire, though fanciful, of course.
It got me researching four-legged creatures that actually do stand on their hind legs at times so as to put their forelegs to good purpose. The list is a long one, when you think about it: bears, meerkats, squirrels among the most obvious. I knew about hares boxing on hind legs but I was intrigued to discover that foxes do the same.
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Fox Boxing Day! |
Cubs acquire this behaviour as early as ten weeks old; it forms part of their learning play, is used to settle sibling squabbles and to establish a hierarchy. Male foxes occasionally indulge in the practice to settle territorial disputes (though they more commonly resort to ground-level tussles involving much rolling and nipping).
Sometimes a dog fox and vixen act in this way (as photographed above) and the almost dance-like quality of such performances has given us the term foxtrot for the lively ballroom dance consisting of quick and slow steps. However, I was delighted to learn that fox boxing is most common among vixens. Go bitches!
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Vixens Mixing It! |
The females of the species resort to fox boxing to settle domestic squabbles, competition for male attention and general uppityness. The rules of the game appear to be very simple: you rear, you engage, you snarl (as shown above) and you just keep pushing until one or other fox falls over. A single fall or submission decides the bout; last fox standing wins; and there is rarely any physical injury sustained, merely loss of pride for the loser.
I thought I'd have a go at writing a poem about boxing foxes with foxgloves off, inspired by my research - but it's not made the cut, so will get completed at a later date. In its place, I hope this is an adequate substitute, from the wonderful John Clare (1793-1864).
The Vixen
Among the taller wood with ivy hung
The old fox plays and dances round her young.
She snuffs and barks if any passes by
And swings her tail and turns prepared to fly.
The horseman hurries by: she bolts to see
And turns again, from danger never free.
If any stands she runs among the poles
And barks and snaps and drives them in the holes.
The shepherd sees them and the boy goes by
And gets a stick and progs the hole to try:
They get all still and lie in safety sure
And out again when safety is secure
And start and snap at blackbirds bouncing by
To fight and catch the great white butterfly.
Thanks for reading. Have a happy Bank Holiday weekend, S ;-)
A lovely and amusing blog.
Foxes? Vermin! Simple as
Always a pleasure to read your blogs - keep them coming Steve.
Well done Steve. I look forward to your weekly blogs for their sheer inventiveness and this one is no exception. I regularly see foxes in my garden but I've never witnessed them 'boxing'.
Thank you for choosing a lovely John Clare poem. I just wonder should it read "gets a stick and prods the hole..."? I always thought it was prods and surely that is the sense of it.
I quite often read your blogs which are never less than interesting if a bit facetious at times. I think some of your poems are exceptionally good. However, I've never commented before. What provoked me to do so today is the crass comment from one of your readers that foxes are "vermin simple as". While I defend everyone's right to an opinion I find such blanket generalisations most unsavoury and deeply disturbing. Foxes are beautiful creatures with as much right to be here as we have and I'm sure they are far more intelligent than to think "human beings - vermin, simple as", though they might be tempted to when we hunt, trap and poison them.
Fensman, "progs the hole" is quite correct. I double-checked my Faber John Clare. It even includes a three page glossary of some of the quaint words the poet used and I quote: prog - to poke about, proggling stick.
Graham, I have every sympathy with your views. Thanks for your feedback.
I loved the blog and what wondeeful photos. A shame you couldn't include your boxing foxes poem.
Well-written (expecting nothing less) and amusing speculation about alternative pen names for Orwell. I quite like the John Clare poem but would much have preferred something of your own.
Another fine blog Steve, enjoyed this. I still find it quite exciting to see a fine specimen of a fox trotting around. They are quite common still in these parts. They can make a damned awful noise at night though!
I was very interested to read about boxing foxes. I too think they are beautiful animals and look out for them at night, although I agree that their 'bark' is somewhat scary.
Great blog Steve, really enjoyed it. I'm not so taken with John Clare as you appear to be. I know he's written a sonnet of sorts but I find a few phrases a bit clunky e.g. 'from danger never free', 'and lie in safety sure', plus the repetition of safety in consecutive lines... metre over meaning sort of thing; and I've never heard fox cubs referred to as poles before. I think I must just be having a picky day. Don't mind me!
Very good Steve. For interest, we have 4 types of foxes here in North America: the red (bigger than European of course!) and the gray, both of which live anywhere that's temperate, plus the kit which is small and lives in the desert and the arctic fox. I quite often see reds when I leave the studio in the early morning. Never seen two of them boxing though, that must be something. Take care.
Most entertaining. Thank you for sharing it.
You have a great sense of humour.
Sprightly reading :)
Very good 👍👍👍
Funny and fascinating - and I liked the John Clare poem :)
Thank you, Steve, I liked that and can picture the scene, vividly.
I thought I would add a Fox Fact. In my past living in a London Suburb, urban foxes could be a nusiance. We had one, who would come around near midnight, stand at the crossroads below my window and bark. 'Bark' doesn't begin to describe the noise made, a suitable sound track on any murder movie. Having woken every dog within 1/2 mile, he would cock his head to one side, perhaps enjoying the commotion and their frustration. Then he would trot off, with a 'job well done' air. Fox Freedom.
Keep the poems coming.
Fascinating. I've heard of hares boxing but never foxes. The photos are brilliant. I enjoyed the John Clare Vixen poem - but really, you need to finish and share your own boxing foxes poem please.
Wheelie-bins have foxed our furry friends. They can't flip the lids with their forelegs!
What a delightfully written blog.
I loved this foxy.
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