written and posted by members of Lancashire Dead Good Poets' Society

Saturday, 22 September 2018

That Greek Cottage!

This is the story of the  cottage  that got away! It was the late summer of 1974, the year ABBA won Eurovision, Nixon resigned as US President, Harold Wilson's Labour Party came back to power and blockbusters from John le Carre ('Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy') and Robert Pirsig ('Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance') hit the bookshops. Bob Dylan was touring for the first time since his motorcycle accident of eight years previous, the Moody Blues had just disbanded, Cat Stevens released 'Buddha and the Chocolate Box' and everyone seemed to be 'Kung Fu Fighting'.

It also happened that in July of that year, the military junta which had been ruling Greece since a coup d'état in 1967 was finally replaced by an interim civilian government. For some of us who had been longing to visit Greece, but felt it unethical to do so while the Generals were in power, the timing was almost perfect - three months of summer vacation from university stretched ahead. The only problems were the cost of getting there and the small matter of a war in the region: Turkish troops had recently invaded Cyprus and Greeks and Turks had resumed their age-old hostilities in the eastern Mediterranean.

The first problem was solved fairly easily. I got a holiday job with some fellow students from Warwick university as part of a contract team going in to steam-clean industrial plant in Birmingham factories during their two-week annual shut-down. It was a filthy job hosing down rolling mills and heavy machinery but it paid fantastically well, enough to cover a couple of months back-packing around Greece. The second problem actually played into our hands, for the Cyprus war put off thousands of would-be holiday-makers to the region, flights emptied and ticket prices fell.

My girlfriend and I decided that Crete would be our destination, well out of trouble's way; and so armed with tent, drachmas, books that we had to read in advance of the next university term, a camera and some light clothing, off we jetted, courtesy of Dan-Air (anyone remember them?). The flight was delayed by several hours but it meant that we flew down across the long string of Greek islands just as the sky was turning from black to rose and we landed in Irakleion at sunrise. Magical.

To say that it was like a coming home would be an exaggeration - but I certainly felt an extraordinary affinity with the place that has abided down the years.  It is why I've been to Greece more times than any other country and why I did once seriously contemplate retiring to live there (before austerity and Brexit reared their complicating heads).

As I've said, there were almost no tourists visiting Greece that year because of the war and we were welcomed with open arms wherever we went as soon as it was established that we were English and not American. (The Greeks blamed most things at the time on the Americans. They thought US foreign policy was behind the rise of the Generals. They didn't like the fact that Turkey was armed with American weapons and warplanes and that American forces were stationed on Turkish soil.)

Greek people are so friendly and generous. We were given - literally gifted - so much food everywhere we went, especially fresh fruit and vegetables grown for the summer tourists who never materialised; figs, oranges, tomatoes and watermelon to die for! I could enthuse at length about that holiday - Knossos, Aghios Nikolaos, Vai (close to heaven on earth) but I must cut to the chase.

We made a leisurely tour along the north coast of dusty Crete and in one place we decided to stay in a pension for a few days as a break from rough camping - a proper bed with clean sheets, hot shower, luxury. It was in the coastal town of Siteia, quite small in 1974 - now a centre of the island's wine industry and a bustling tourist resort with its own international airport. There we met some young Americans. They were quite pleased to find non-Americans who didn't treat them disdainfully. Most of them were just hanging out there for the summer but one of them, a young woman, was - or had been - working in Siteia as a teacher.

Unfortunately for her, she was in the process of being expelled from the country for having told her pupils that the returning prime minister, Konstantinous Karamanlis, was a shit of the first order. Such a fervently expressed opinion was unlikely to go unreported and it found no favour with her employers or the new Greek government with its anti-American bias. It was probably the excuse they had been looking for to move her on.

She was devastated to be leaving and was desperate to recoup the $1,000 dollars (or its drachma equivalent) she had spent on buying her little cottage in Siteia. We were asked if we were interested.

$1,000 or near offer in 1974!
The cottage was small, simple, sturdy and beautiful; cool inside in the summer because the walls were thick, warm in the winter for the same reason. There was a grapevine in the tiny yard.

$1,000 was about £450 at 1974 exchange rates. That was about triple what our holiday to dusty Crete cost (and was comparable to the price of a new Mini Cooper)! I should have gone straight to the main post office in Siteia and wired my parents to lend me the funds. I didn't do so. To a poor student, it seemed like a lot of money at the time. We said our goodbyes and continued on our tour. With the benefit of hindsight, it was an absolute bargain. Of course we laughed ruefully afterwards and I harbour a mild regret about it to this day.

Quite by coincidence, the song 'If I Laugh' by Cat Stevens (born Steven Demetre Georgiou to a Greek Cypriot father and Swedish mother) from his album 'Teaser And The Firecat'  seems remarkably apposite in its sentiments, given the story of the cottage that got away...

If I Laugh
If I laugh just a little bit
maybe I can forget the chance
that I didn't have to know you
and live in peace, in peace

If I laugh just a little bit
maybe I can forget the plans that
I didn't use to get you
at home - with me - alone

If I laugh just a little bit
maybe I can recall the way
that I used to be , before you
and sleep at night - and dream
If I laugh, baby if I laugh
just a little bit...
                                      Cat Stevens (1971)

If you'd like to listen to it, for it is very beautiful, I've included a hyperlink here: Cat Stevens playing If I Laugh live

I'll sign off this week with a new poem of my own. I hope it pleases.

Late September Grecian sun,
given latitude, still strikes me
as warming to the bones,
to the sleepy spirits
that invest these olive groves,
to the white-washed
stone-wall cottage clusters
with their fragrant, dark interiors
of homely mystery
and cats the colour of molasses
rolling lazy in the dust,
quite unprovoked
by dancing end-of-season butterflies.

Before me, the epic story
of Odysseus lies open to the page
where Hermes bids divine Calypso
let our captive hero go, but I,
fuelled by a lunch
of cool retsina and dolmades,
cease reading and allow my gaze
to fold to Homeric sightlessness.

Sunlight licks my eyelids
like the charming snake of old,
cicadas drone, a hint of oregano
spices up this timeless afternoon
and I drowse
happy to the very soul, thinking
that unlike our bold adventurer
I might prove fickle and be tempted
not to risk another sinking
in the wine-dark sea.
I might elect to stay a while
on this idyllic isle...
but then I never knew Penelope!

Thanks for reading. Have a good week, S ;-)


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Ashlyn Miller-Reed said...

I really enjoyed this blog, a skilfully told tale of lost property and a truly delightful poem.

Sonja Makarova said...

Beautiful poetry. 💙

Stelios Papastilianos said...

You write about my country and a beautiful poem. Thank you.

Bob Richardson said...

An excellent account, I feel your disappointment at the time. Great poetry too.

Lisa Topalidou said...

Loved this! An absorbing read, fabulous poem and Cat Stevens a bonus. 💙💙💙

Heidi Williams said...

Ah, that's just lovely.

Anonymous said...

What a fascinating and evocative read. 💙

Becca Riley said...

What a great read. Love Greece and missing it recently.

Sammi Metaxogeni said...

I am a huge Cat Stevens fan. Thank you for mentioning his wonderful music on your blog. 👏

Nik Stengelis said...

A fascinating account and lovely poem.

Brizette Lempro said...

Oh my, fascinating read and lovely evocative poetry.

Writer21 said...

What lovely memories! They are great to read over breakfast and the poem is the perfect tonic! Now to the song! Did you know Cat Stevens became Yussuf Islam?

Anonymous said...

What a fascinating read. If only... You missed a bargain for sure! I loved the poem.

John Fellows said...

A fascinating account (and a true measure of inflation). I thought the poem was great too and enjoyed the Cat Stevens - not listened in a long time. Thank you.

Katie Parker said...

What an interesting blog. I love Greece and used to be a big Cat Stevens fan too. Your poem is beautiful - and oh my, what a lot of comments!

James Wilsher said...

Immensely readable and a fascinating recollection. I loved the poem as well. The Odyssey is one of my favourite classics.

Karisa Miaouli said...

What an interesting tale and a lovely little cottage, and what a shame for you.

Poppy Deveraux said...

A fascinating read and a lovely poem. 💙

Katrina Ellison said...

Such seductive poetry. I loved the Odyssey, not read it for years. And Cat Stevens, a lovely bonus.

Donna Slater said...

I love Greece. This was a fascinating account and a brilliant poem.

Katrina Ellison said...

I envy you having been to Crete when it was still relatively unspoilt. It's still a beautiful island but parts are so commercialised now. I love your Idyllic poem and thanks also for the introduction to Cat Stevens.

Simon Bragg said...

How I enjoyed reading this. We often toyed with the idea of buying a little place in Greece but never did. The photograph of the white-walled cottage that got away put me in mind of Vashti Bunyan's LP cover for 'Just Another Diamond Day' so I just pulled it out - nothing like, really. Funny how the mind plays tricks. I have to say that I loved your Idyll poem. I read it to my wife who agrees.

Garth Kane said...

A great account. How the world has changed. I like the tie-in to Cat Stevens and loved the poem. Bravo.

Sally-Ann Kirby said...

What a great post, almist like a time cache. I love Cat Stevens and Crete.

Mike Flanagan said...

A tale well told. I loved the poem as well. 👍

Fin Taverner said...

Reading that was a bit like opening a time capsule. I share your abiding love for Greece but have only been holidaying there since the early 90s. Great poem.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting account and a delightful poem.

Roxy Bellingham said...

I loved this. 💙

Maria Richardson said...

Wow! 40k views is amazing. Must just have caught people's imagination. It's a fascinating account and I love both your poem and the tie-in to Cat Stevens.

Dorcas Remington said...

I came to this through the Cat Stevens connection. What a great reminiscence and a super blog. I loved your poem and will read more. The unplugged rendition of If I Laugh is stunning - and those trousers! This brought back so many happy memories. I thank you.

Georgia Xenofontos said...

Fascinating. If you've not read it, I strongly recommend Elif Shafak's latest novel The Island Of Missing Trees which has its genesis in the Cyprus War of 1974.

Janice Alexander said...

Such an entertaining account and a lovely poem.

Laura Stavropoulou said...

A lovely read. 💙

Morgan Ellis said...

A real time-capsule and a treat to read. I love your poem.

Anonymous said...

Such a great read and a fine and witty poem.

Kate Betzeli said...

You might have become Greek now.

Darryl Mordaunt said...

What a super reminiscence. How you must have regretted not snapping that offer up down the years. It's a great poem as well.

Sandrine Exarchopoulou said...

I love this. 💙

Alexa Guzel said...

An engaging account. What a pity your cottage got away! The tie-in with Cat Stevens is clever and brought back happy memories. Most of all I was hugely impressed with your lovely poem.

Sara Miller said...

Fascinating about 'the one that got away'. I love Crete. it's my favourite Greek island. Loved your poem as well. I've not listened to Cat Stevens in decades. That clip reminded me of what I've been missing. Thank you.

Georgia Xalazonitou said...

Greece is always here for you. 💙

Minnie Moore said...

What a great read, I loved your Idyll poem. ❤️

Anonymous said...

I love it - great read. Hindsight is a maddening thing ;)

Helena Koutsoukou said...

A brilliant read and I love the poem.

Anonymous said...

Most entertaining. What a miss! I loved the poem.

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