written and posted by members of Lancashire Dead Good Poets' Society

Sunday, 30 October 2011

The Blog's First Collaborative Poem

by Lindsay, Jo, Lisa, Ash, Christo, Vicky, Ste, Neil, Sheilagh, Shaun, and two ‘anons’.

On Tuesday, I set readers of the blog the task of writing an unwritten poem. I’m pleased to say that people’s response to the idea, and their general involvement was fantastic . I’d been slightly concerned that the comments section would be left blank, I’d look a little stupid, and there would be no post for Sunday (today). Thankfully none of my fears materialised; there were plenty of brilliant and poetic lines, and there is no need for me to say that a cat (Roo seems to have become a minor celebrity on our blog) has eaten another Sunday blogger.

I’d like to thank the twelve readers/writers who participated in the ‘interactive poem’, producing the poem that now follows:

The Ghost of Ms. Credland

A cheerful house-front says no need to fear it,
But belies the darkness within.
Hints of scent betray her spirit:
A mixture of brandy and gin.

Watch the sheets with your dirty fag
Your room's not on CCTV.

Watch yourself on the stair at night
When you think you're all alone.

, the eye of this fishwife hag
If piqued will flay you to the bone.
While unkempt Mr. Credland
Quivers to hear her moan.

Taps run cold, the loo self-flushes
Curtains twitch to unheard vaudeville,
And mirrors run red with reflected blushes
Of young couples caught coupling by she, who still...
Eyes greedily with that thirst that can never be slaked.

Her stumbling, lurching, grabbing gait and slimy breath
Of ideas half-baked, will haunt the first she reaches...
And she reaches into his breeches.
And with the bloody thirst of leeches,
Dines to the sound of screeches
As the ghostly squall from nearby beaches
Echoes eerily round the dingy room...

The cat hides beneath the cushion,
Its ears twitching with each scream
And we’re left here in this Blackpool guesthouse
To wonder if it was all a bad dream.

*The poem will be performed on Fringe Friday (11th November) at the No. 5 Cafe by the inimitable Ashley Lister. Further details of this event can be found on our Facebook page(available here)

Thank you for your continued commitment to the Dead Good Blog


Lindsay said...

Great stuff! I love it, perfect halloween poem :)

Ashley Lister said...

I'm with Lindsay - I love this poem. I'm really looking forward to reading it at the next event.
