I looked forward to retiring at sixty, as many of us did,
and then, a bolt from the blue took away plans and wishes and sat firmly on our
state pension for another six years. I’m there now and I still haven’t received
the explanatory letter ‘sent to everyone’ when the changes were made. WASPI
(Women Against State Pension Inequality) campaigns and protests seem to have
been sympathetically listened to in some quarters – Jeremy Corbyn, when Labour
leader, said that women were “misled”, the situation “needed to be put right”
and “We owe a moral debt to these women.” It was included in the Labour party
manifesto. Even if nothing changed, it was going to be looked into. The flicker
of hope died with the election result.
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Anyway, politics aside, my time has come and I’m trying to decide exactly when to hand in my keys and cross myself off any rotas. I’ve spent lots of time at home during the pandemic, shielding at the beginning, then having to isolate a couple of times when I eventually returned to work. I like being at home. It’s been good getting a feel for life in retirement and spending more time with my husband who retired early a few years ago. In normal circumstances we would enjoy the freedom of having lunch out, seeing friends and spending more time with family. These things will come back to us, hopefully before too long. I reduced my hours at work so I’m actually at home more than I’m there, yet I still can’t wait to leave.
I yearn for the freedom to just go where I want, when I want
without having to plan in advance and ask permission. Deciding one day that we’re
off to Scotland, or anywhere the next day, is the life for me. Spending summer
afternoons reading in the garden was bliss last year and I look forward to
doing it again. I knit and crochet a lot and love making baby clothes so with a
current baby boom going on amongst colleagues at the moment I’ve been a one woman cottage industry. My writing has been on a back burner for too
long. I was trying to use shielding and isolating time to write a best-selling
novel or a brilliant TV series, but they’ve both been done, not by me, by the way, and I’ve been
struggling to concentrate lately. There
are lots of things on my retirement list and I certainly won’t get bored. I
might get fat(ter) on home-made baking, but never bored. I’ll enjoy finding out
who I am, so let’s bring it on.
My poem,
Without the stress and strain of doing my job in the way,
I will take time to rest, to think and to learn who I am,
Apart from a wife, a mother and a nanna called Pam.
My wardrobe’s full of Marks and Spencers matching navy blues,
Formal skirts and cardies and some uniform slim-line trews.
Tunic length NHS blouses, navy with polka dots,
Pockets stuffed with tissues and hair-ties, a tangle of knots.
Let’s get rid of such strict clothing and find a nice, new style,
Dresses, ear-rings, beads and things I haven’t worn in a while.
Skinny jeans, knee-high boots and a home-made Aran sweater,
My family and freedom will soon make me feel better.
I’ll wear long, floaty skirts and lipstick, and I’ll paint my nails,
I’ll join in with other WASPI girls on some campaign trails
And hope some good may come of it, though it’s too late for me
So many ‘50s women need to set their pensions free.
PMW 2021
Thanks for reading, stay safe, Pam x
Really enjoyed this. Happy retirement, Pamela! Xx
Your grievance is understandable Pam. It was a shocking betrayal of working women. Enjoy your much-delayed but impending retirement. It sounds as though you're going to have fun re-inventing yourself. Good for you :-)
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