written and posted by members of Lancashire Dead Good Poets' Society

Friday 15 March 2024


As you might imagine when I am hillwalking I come across many waterfalls. Some are stupendous like the Grey Mare's Tail near Moffat...others might just be a gentle tumbling of water over some rocks. It is pleasant to spend time listening and taking in the sound and sight of falling water.

With the rain we have been experiencing lately now is a good time to search out waterfalls.

My contribution this week is based on a waterfall I came across whilst walking in the Rocky Mountains National Park, Colorado in 2014.

Fern Falls

Icy cold spray splashed my face and bare arms
As it tumbled from the frozen lake.
The noise was deafening - we had to shout!

We had crossed crisp snowfields
In 20' plus heat to reach the falls
The pass ahead was blocked by snow,

So we gladly lingered in the noisy environment.

Thank you for reading, Kath.


Steve Rowland said...

Yes, the local falls should be thundering at the moment! A lovely read, Kath.

terry quinn said...

You are so right about the pleasure in experiencing a waterfall of any size.

Enjoyed the poem as well.