My reading matter at the moment is 'Girl To City: a memoir ' by Amy Rigby. I've loved Amy's music since the mid-1990s, bought all her early records, have caught many of her gigs when she's played in the UK, even interviewed her one time (and my friend Richard Booth, ex-Plummet Airlines, took the photographs).
In the early part of her memoir, Amy (then McMahon) writes about going up to art college in New York City (from native Pittsburgh) aged seventeen in the summer of 1976, and getting into the nascent NY punk scene (CBGB, Max's et cetera) via a boy she met and dated named Bob (Gurevics); then how in the summer of 1977: "Bob had passed an audition and was in a band, The Poppees." She goes on to recount how she and her second year roommate Lisa went along in the fall of 1977 to his inaugural gig with the group at Max's: "Bob wanted to do a good job but it was almost too much pressure. To step into a pre-existing band, to fill in for a departed member, must have been a lot tougher than coming up with your own music together with a group of friends... I don't think he enjoyed himself, but in my eyes he was a hero. He'd played Max's. He was in a band."
I didn't know much about her involvement with Bob until reading the memoir, but this much I do know about The Poppees - as you can verify from several online sources: Bob Waxman was a founding member (along with Paddy Lorenzo) in 1973. The pair shared a love of '60s British music and as a quartet (with Arthur Alexander and Arthur Harris) they recorded their first single for Greg Sage's Bomp! label in 1975 after he'd heard a demo they made. Their profile and the gigs they got in NYC increased markedly in the wake of the record and they laid down a second single which showed them taking their love of the first British invasion (Beatles, Kinks, Who) and the second (Buzzcocks, Damned, Sex Pistols) and melding both into the basis of what became known as power-pop. They did play both CBGB and Max's, opening for the likes of Blondie, but they had disbanded by the end of 1976.
All of which goes to suggest that there may be a significant quotient of false memory in one or other or - heaven help us - both of those accounts. For apart from anything else, I can find no evidence that there was ever any other Bob in The Poppees than Waxman (though all things are possible).
False memory is an intriguing phenomenon, the seemingly credible recollection of something that either never happened or happened significantly differently from the way it is remembered.
It is well documented that for any single event, multiple people may retain different versions of what 'happened'. This is because our senses cannot capture every detail but take impressions of the experience and then our brains 'make sense' of what we've seen, heard et cetera. We will all notice slightly different aspects of the event and our brains will interpret the impressions and fill in the blanks based on our past experiences, prejudices and sensibilities. Only the camera and the microphone never lie.
It is also well known from psychological experiments that if the memory, witness statement or the like is being recalled under interrogation, the content of the questions and the way they are posed (leading, loaded, suggestive in some degree) often bias and condition the details of the recall. Memories are mutable things.
"Remember that time you fell in the pool with all your clothes on?" "No, I've never done that in my life. You're imagining it, or it was someone else." "It was you, I was there!" There are three possibilities. Either the person denying it has genuinely forgotten and has lost the memory entirely, or the person claiming it happened actually saw someone different fall in and is confused in the recollection, or it never did happen but for some reason (s)he imagines it as potently as if it had. (Actually, there is a fourth possibility, that it's a wind-up by either party, in jest or for some more sinister and destabilising purpose.)
In a week when more poor children and their teachers have been mown down by a gunman in an American school, I was reminded of an incident which I swear I happened to observe on a holiday to the USA twenty years ago, though my family still maintains I imagined it all. We were out walking downtown and I heard an altercation behind us. I turned and saw, a block down at the corner on the other side of the street, a man step backwards out of a shop doorway. He was followed out by another man pointing a handgun at him from a couple of feet away. Suddenly the first man fell violently backwards to the ground. There was a simultaneous dull retort. I sensed he had just been shot. It was broad daylight, and we were walking along a wire-mesh fence outside the car pound of a rental firm. I just urged my wife and daughters to keep on going. I'm not sure they realised why and I didn't say anything else at the time. Later on I told them and they were incredulous. They'd neither seen nor heard anything and thought I must have imagined the whole thing. I know I didn't.
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Pierre Janet |
My latest poem isn't particularly on theme, but thoughts of what continues to unfold in eastern Europe have been pressing for fresh expression, lest we forget.
What answer to the riddle of bullet holes
in the family samovar? Or solution to the
tangled puzzle of muddied human limbs?
How to resolve this equation if X is ego
and Y is never allowed to be expressed?
What sense to be made of your enormous
pixilated image mouthing patriotic hate?
More fodder conscripted to serve a State
with no grain for bread and oh no circuses.
I don't remember victory like this before!
But what of Amy Rigby? you ask. And life after Bob? In a nutshell, this: she abandoned art for music, was in bands The Stare Kits, Last Roundup and The Shams, got married to Will Rigby (drummer with power-pop band the dBs), had a daughter, separated and went solo in 1993 as a singer-songwriter, recording a series of hugely enjoyable albums. On a musical tour of England she met punk-rock musician Wreckless Eric (Goulden) and the two have been an item ever since. I'll leave you with a musical bonus, a backward-looking reflection from 'Middlescence ', Amy's second album. Click on the song title to activate the YouTube link: The Summer Of My Wasted Youth
Thanks as ever for reading, S ;-)
Great blog! Loved the latest Dissociation poem. Those lines: "How to resolve this equation if X is ego and Y is never allowed to be expressed?" Brilliant! Now to check out this Amy Rigby fella.
Interesting blog and poem. I'm sure we all "mythologise" to a degree, if for no other reason than imperfect recall, and the mixing up of timescales and events.
Read and enjoyed your blog Steve and listened to the Amy Rigby link. I was expecting something punky but that's a glorious country/folk sound. Played it over and am a convert. Copy of Middlescence on order! Regarding that US shooting, I believe you saw what you saw (and don't let anyone tell you otherwise). Your poem on the dissociative state of Mummy Russia - tremendous.
Shocked to read that. If I'd seen a shooting I would have wanted to get my family as far away too. π
This is so weird. I studied psychology at uni, have read lots of Freud, Piaget, Skinner, James, Pavlov, Adler, Maslow, Fromm, Erickson etc - don't recall Pierre Janet at all! Is my memory tricking me? Anyway, a fascinating read ae ever and I like the pithy poem.
If your family didn't hear/see what you did then it didn't happen for them but it's curious they should choose not to believe you. Thanks for another most thought-provoking blog and poem.
Thanks for the introduction to Amy Rigby. I enjoyed her song and will check her out. As for your own 'did it happen or not?' I nearly said stick to your guns. OK, I did! π
Served up with your usual style and wit. Fancy your family not believing you saw a man get shot. Walking on was the right thing to do. I'd never heard of Amy Rigby but I enjoyed that song. It seems most of her catalogue is only available 2nd hand now except The Old Guys - is that worth picking up?
Most profound line in that piece: Memories are mutable things. Well done for the clever Dissociation poem.
A shooting. Not the sort of thing you'd just imagine seeing, I shouldn't think. I liked the typewriter keys graphic and your cleverly worded poem. Let us hope it is a pyrrhic victory for the madman in the Kremlin.
I remember reading your interview with Amy Rigby (may even still have the magazine boxed up in the attic). It's what introduced me to her music, so thank you for that. I didn't realise she'd written a book but I'll chase it down. Well done with the Dissociation poem.
Kudos to Amy Rigby. She made it up the hard way and mostly on her own terms. BTW her daughter Hazel followed her into music - was in a punk band Big Knife about 10 years back and now lives and plays in LA as TBHQ.
What about memories of the future - a clear vision of things that haven't happened yet? (Not the same as deja vu.) How does that work?
The "Whole Wide World" Wreckless Eric? Fantastic. I always wondered what happened to him. One of my favourite Stiffs.π
I share your liking for Amy Rigby. On her latest she sings like a female Neil Young, don't you think? Nice pointed poem.
Stu: 'The Old Guys' very much worth acquiring. "Purchase with confidence" as the saying goes. I should add to anyone reading this far that I very much enjoyed Amy Rigby's book. It's written with honesty, humour and considerable style (so maybe it was a bit unfair to pick out one 'misremembering').
Clive: Yes, I know what you mean.
Very interesting. Regarding the shooting, if you think that's what you saw, I'm sure it happened.
Interesting. Why isn't Janet a household name like Freud?
Did Amy Rigby get shot? What does her memoir say? It's just that there's a song 'Like Rasputin' on Little Fugitive (you probably know it) that goes: "In 1916 he took a bullet to the head...In 1981 I withstood similar attack, I got hit but I came back." Real or metaphor?
Pierre Janet looks like someone who knows Freud is going to steal all his best theories and become way more famous!
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