This is going to be a bundle of laughs! Whoever picked the topic? As an act of kindness, I'll keep it short. The end.
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unamusing family portrait |
I'm only kidding, of course. But to be serious for a moment, where does that word 'kidding' come from? Let us contemplate 'kidology' for half a mo. The Oxford Academic website has this to say:
"Many a new word has been coined in jest. Scientist was conjured as a facetious term for those engaged in scientific research. Indianapolis was a fanciful suggestion for the name of Indiana’s capital. Software was simply a play on hardware among early computer programmers. Whimsical coinage is especially common in the cybersphere where not just software but crowdsource, blog and blogosphere resulted from insider wisecracking.
"Playfulness is an ill-appreciated source of neologisms in general. The linguist Allen Walker Read cited “jubilance” as a primary motivation for word creation. The widespread adoption of neologisms that originated as bon mots, punch lines, and flippant remarks generally surprises their coiners as much as anyone. This is more true than ever in a world where language is continually fertilized by whimsical bloggers, wisecracking comedians, and sundry quipsters who are less intent on expanding our vocabulary than on being amusing."
That's right. We bloggers number among the facetious tricksters and irreverent untiers of soberly strait-laced language and we should stand in proud defiance of tight-lipped and po-faced detractors. 'Never Be Boring.'
As for kidding (a noun in gerund's clothing), it can first be found in 1901 in the writing of one Hugh McHugh, a North American humourist, but it's generally accepted as being much older in colloquial parlance, with roots in both to tease and to treat someone as a child - the young being naive and gullible, naturally. And that really is all I've got to say on topic, apart from this slice of poetic silliness...
New Humor Bypass
Friday 13th July 2001, meteorologically propitious,
cloudless skies, hardly a breath of wind. However
not so astrologically auspicious, as events will prove.
Top story of the day: Beijing awarded summer Olympics
seven years hence. Meanwhile in this year of the snake
a four-lane highway is to open. The new Humor bypass
slithers around the historic town with the curious name.
High noon and there's a shimmer off the surface of this
pristine blacktop ribbon as the ceremonial cavalcade
lines up to roll, bunting sweating, engines revving,
wagons bouncing on their brakes as the Sheriff intones.
A starting gun fires and suddenly they're off and running
burning rubber, snorting petrochemicals, trailing clouds
of polluted Old Glory as they cleave this brave new route
across the prairie without the tedium of traffic lights and
all that crosstown gridlock. But wait. Five miles down
the road, a shock. Isn't it funny how a bear likes ruining
man's best laid plans. There's grizzlies sitting all across
the tarmac, fathers. mothers. ancients, cubs, making picnic,
eating honey. toting guns and they're not going anywhere
anytime soon. Bewildered rednecks scowl and honk away
in the cauldron of the afternoon, tempers fizzle, engines
threaten to overheat, mothers scold as children mizzle.
Of course they are not amused, and not even the arrival
of the AA can remedy the stand-off. As shadows lengthen,
five miles of cavalcade reverses from the rear and heads
off, taillights between its legs, unable to grin and bear it.
To get serious again, as a musical and visual bonus this week, because it's a fitting and moving riposte to the shameful killing of a brave man who stood up to the tyrant Putin, please have a watch of this: Natalia Gevorkyan tribute to Alexei Navalny I have to admit I shed a tear.
Thanks for reading. Embrace jubilance. S ;-)
I promise I didn't laugh once! 😂
Is your poem inspired by Neil Young? I'm thinking 'Here We Are In The Years' -"While people planning trips to stars/ Allow another boulevard to claim a quiet country lane/ It's insane."
A tricky subject. The end.
You lured me into looking up the date in the poem and I'm none the wiser. Were you kidding?
Thank you even for the video clip. I also shed tears but your blog made me smile.
Loving the unamusing family portrait and the wacky poem.
A fun read, surreal and witty poetry, and the video clip is very moving.
What a fabulous poem. 👏
What a brilliant 'unamused' family portrait. Ha ha ha. And I loved the witty poem (though I'm not sure about the rude word).
Bella, perhaps it was a bit gratuitous. I've toned it down.
Does that woman have no arms? (Grizzly attack victim?)
I enjoyed your poem. It was fun, a clever conceptual pun, and what a surreal turn it took - bears with guns! Well done.
Terry: the date, its weather and the top news story being China getting awarded the Olympics is all faithful relayed. The rest of it is a total fiction ;-)
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